This is the first in the Phenomenological Detective series – The Only True Remedy.

Poirot has his little grey cells, Morse has his classical education, Patrice Lanier just has the ‘things themselves’

His thigh is in plaster, his mother-in-law is losing her memory, his wife is concerned only with that, his children text more than they speak, and even his dog isn’t speaking to him. His assistant, ex-nun, Pucelle, has gone undercover in the underbelly of the Parisian drug culture. He needs to be in Avignon to support his wife, in Paris to support Pucelle, and in Pont-St-Esprit to pursue his own investigation.

Back in the present day, Paris must be locked down: there are 250 terrorists in the city, ready to blow it to kingdom come.

How is Patrice going to find them in time?

And where the hell is Pucelle?